Abstract Submission guidelines

Dear Otorhinolaryngology and allied medical fraternity, We, the AOI – Coimbatore branch, extend warm greetings to you and welcome you all to ‘SZTNAOI-CONCLAVE-KOVAI-2023’, the forthcoming combined conference of, 25th year (Silver Jubilee) TN AOI, and, 18th annual South Zone AOI, organized by us. Eminent National and International faculties are participating, to exchange their expertise. Scientific proceedings include Orations, Lecturers, Panel Discussions, Symposiums, Instructional courses, Competitions sessions for titled Awards and Quiz program. We invite Otolaryngology trainees and practitioners to participate actively, in the competitions sessions through pertinent category, to contribute to the art and science of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery.
  1. Orations will be under the Titles as follow
A.1     South Zone Orations
  1. Madras ENT Research Foundation (MERF) Oration
  2. Bangalore ENT Research Foundation (BENT) Oration
  3. K.P. Raman Pillai Oration
  4. P. Jaya Ram Acharya Memorial Oration
A.2     Tamilnadu AOI Orations
  1. Brigadier Ramani Oration
  2. Madras ENT Research Foundation (MERF) Oration
The Competition Medal categories and Eligibility:      B.1  Under the purview of South zone AOI             B.1.A. South Zone Postgraduates Medal Categories       B.1.A.1  Podium presentations
  1. D. Dwarakantha Reddy PG Medal for best paper/ case series presentation.
  2. K. K. Ramalingam PG Medal for Best case presentation.
     B.1.A.2   Quiz Contest
  1.   Dr. Kishore Chandra Prasad PG Medal for best Quiz Team.
Eligibility: Postgradutes competing for these two Entities (B.1.A.1  &  B.1.A.2) are allowed as follow:
  • Doing their course in one of the institutions in any of the South zone states, namely, Tamilnadu & Pondichery, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhrapradesh and Telengana.
  • Refer, General guidelines for further details
B.2 Under the purview of Tamilnadu AOI (TN AOI)  B.2.A      Medal Categories for Consultants – TN AOI          B.2.A.1   Podium presentations
  1. Professor Dr. K. K. Ramalingam for Otology
  2. Professor Dr. S. Gnanathilakan Medal for Head & Neck Laryngology
  3. Professor Dr. A. Jesudoss Medal for Rhinology
  4. Aravindakumar Gold medal for “Best paper in Head & Neck Surgery”
  5. C. Thirumalaivelu Medal for Best Video Presentation.
  6. AVVAICON Gold medal for Best Skull base Surgery.
           Eligibility: Consultants competing for one of these six entities are allowed as follow
  • Consultants holding their membership in Tamilnadu & Pondichery state branch of AOI
  • Refer General guidelines for further details
 B.2.B     Medal Categories for Post Graduates -TN AOI        B.2.B.1 Podium presentations
  1. Professor Dr. S. Kameswaran Medal for Head & Neck and Laryngology.
  2. Professor Dr. Muthiah Medal for Rhinology.
  3. Professor Dr. Sadasivam Medal for Otology.
  4. SCENT Salem AOI Medal for Paediatric ENT.
      Eligibility: Postgradutes competing for one of these four medals are allowed as follow
  • Doing their course in one of the institutions in Tamilnadu & Pondichery state branch of AOI
Refer General guidelines for further details       B.2.B.2  Poster Presentation
  1. Dr. CN Raja Medal for Poster Presentation.
       Eligibility:        As above (as for B.2.B.1) Refer General guidelines for further details       B.2.B.3   Quiz Contest
  1. Dr. S. Kaliannan Gold Medal for quiz
  2. Trichy AOI Gold Medal for Quiz
      Eligibility: As above (as for B.2.B.1). High scoring team with the eligibility stands a chance to secure these two medals. Refer General guidelines for further details
  1. Important Dates for Submission:
     Last date to send abstracts for medal papers: 31/08/2023 Last date to send abstracts for E-Posters: 31/08/2023 Last date to send abstracts for Video: 31/08/2023 Last date to register for PG Quiz Program: 31/08/2023
  • All Participants should register for ‘SZTNAOI-CONCLAVE-KOVAI-2023’. Mentioning the registration number is mandatory for further perusal, before accepting for inclusion in the session.
  • Under the purview of South zone AOI
    • Postgradutes competing for medals under the purview of South zone AOI are allowed as follow
      • Doing their course in one of the institutions in any of the South zone states, namely, Tamilnadu & Pondichery, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhrapradesh and Telengana.
    • Under the purview of Tamilnadu AOI (TN AOI)
      • Consultants competing for medals under the purview of Tamilnadu AOI (TN-AOI) are allowed as follow
      • Consultants holding their membership in Tamilnadu & Pondichery state branch of AOI
  • Postgradutes competing for medals under the purview of Tamilnadu AOI (TN-AOI) are allowed as follow
    • Doing their course in one of the institutions in Tamilnadu & Pondichery state branch of AOI
  • For competition category:
    • Podium Presentation
      • Candidates are advised to compete for only one Medal, out of the options in their eligible category, and accordingly submit the single abstract, in that section.
  • Abstract submission, is to be done in timeline
  • Poster Presentation
    • Only for Postgraduates
    • only one presentation per candidate is allowed.
    • Abstract submission, is to be done in timeline
  • Quiz contest
  • There is only one Quiz contest for ‘SZTNAOI-CONCLAVE-KOVAI-2023’
  • Only for Postgraduates
  • Only one team can represent their institution, and should enroll by timeline. Team can have two members.
  • Top team would secure Dr.Kishore Chandra Prasad Medal.
  • Under Tamilnadu AOI, two medals would be given to Postgradutes doing course in Tamilnadu and Pondichery, through the same quiz contest
  • The process of conducting would be decided by the committee and instructions will be accordingly given.
  • Abstracts received after the last date (31/08/2023) will not be accepted.
  • Postgraduate students need to enclose “Bonafide Certificate”, duly attested by their Department head along with their submissions.
  • All the abstracts and forms need to be uploaded at: https://sztnaoi.com/
  • Presentations competing for the Medals, mentioning aspects other than their name, revealing personal and institutional identity, thanking supports, and any conflicting interests rendering any additional undue advantages, should be avoided.
  • Not adhering to recommendations may hinder processing.
  • Organizing committee’s decision is final, and cannot be entertained for further discussion, in any stage of proceedings including awarding.
  • ENT Surgeons holding administrative posts, are not eligible to compete for  the medals
Abstract Submission Format Guidelines
  • Abstracts should not exceed 250 words
  • Abstracts must be submitted in English
  • It should be submitted in word document format (.doc)
  • Font type – Times New Roman
  • Font Size – 12
  • Line space – 1.5
  • Structure recommendation
Abstracts should be structured under the following manner A.Title B.Author Name (Presenting author) C.Objective D.Methodology E.Results F.Conclusion CONSULTANT AWARD PAPER ORAL PRESENTATIONS (7 MINS)
  • Oral presentations should be 7 minutes related to the topic, with 2 additional minutes for questions and answers.
  • The Total Duration of the Presentation is 9 mins
  • Video can be on any subject related to the field of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery
  • Video should be in MPEG 3/MPEG 4/AVI Format. The recommended minimum resolution is 1080p; higher resolutions are encouraged.
  • Duration of video should not exceed 5 minutes.
  • Abstract submission should be done by the timeline
  • Oral Presentations should be 5 minutes related to the topic. Presenter stands further for a possible couple more additional minutes, for questions only by judges and the committee, if they choose to ask.
  • The poster should be prepared in the PowerPoint template
  • Each poster must have a top label indicating the title of the paper, the names of the authors and their affiliations.
  • Charts, drawings, and illustrations may be used within the poster.
  • ‘Introduction’ and ‘Conclusion’ sections are helpful. When feasible, use graphs for demonstrating qualitative relationships, tables of precise numerical values.
  • Videos should be avoided
  • The oral poster presentation will be for 3 mins.
 Updates and changes (if any) will be periodically addressed in the website.
With regards,
The Organizing office ‘SZTNAOI-CONCLAVE-KOVAI-2023’.
This is a staging enviroment